Call for Participants: Archives, Slavery & Race-Making Summer School, King’s College London, July 3-7, 2023 (deadline March 3rd)
The Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS) at King’s College London is pleased to invite applications for a fully-funded, week-long summer school exploring new methodological approaches to the archives of race & slavery in the early modern world. Bringing...

Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library 2023 Fellowships Announcement.
The Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library offers a variety of fellowships and awards to support travel for researchers to come to Emory to conduct research in 13 subject-specific areas and 5 strategic areas. Applications for both...

The Colonial Society of Massachusetts Graduate Forum 2023 – Call for Papers
Graduate students preparing original research on any area of early American history (up to 1815) at both the MA and PhD levels are invited to submit proposals for the Colonial Society of Massachusetts’s annual Graduate Student Forum. You will discuss...

Summer Institute Data-Informed Methods in Slavery Studies
Michigan State University will be hosting an interdisciplinary National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute titled Data-Informed Methods in Slavery Studies from June 18 to July 14, 2023. The first two weeks will be residential in East Lansing, Michigan, and the next two...

DEADLINE EXTENDED – Call for publications: Revista Esboços, special issue “Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Brazilian Slavery in Global Perspective”
The Brazilian journal Esboços: histórias em contextos globais (ISSN 2175-7976) invites researchers to submit papers to the special issue “Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Brazilian Slavery in Global Perspective” organized by Clemente Gentil Penna, Marcelo Matheus, and Melina Teubner. The papers...

Deadline approaching (2/1/23): Fellowships at the Library Company of Philadelphia and Historical Society of PA
Application deadline extended to FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Full Fellowships Program details Short-term, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowships support on-site research in the collections of the Library Company and/or the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in a variety of fields and disciplines relating...

University of North Texas Libraries Research Fellowships – Special Collections
The University of North Texas Libraries invite applications for the UNT Special Collections Research Fellowship. Research in special collections is relevant to studies in a variety of disciplines including history, journalism, political science, geography, fine art, art history and American...

CFP Transatlantic Studies Association Conference
Transatlantic Studies Association21st Annual ConferenceUniversity of Plymouth, UK3-5 July 2023 _________ Call for Papers Submissions are invited for the 2023 Annual ConferenceKEYNOTE LECTURES Professor David Haglund (Queen’s University) "What is So 'Special' About the Franco-American Relationship? The View from Lake...

2023–24 Research Fellowships: Library Company of Philadelphia and Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Application deadline: January 15, 2023 Full Fellowships Program details Short-term (one month) and long-term dissertation fellowships support on-site research in the collections of the Library Company and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in a variety of fields and disciplines relating...

The Forgotten Canopy: Ecology, Ephemeral Architecture, and Imperialism in the Caribbean, South American, and Transatlantic Worlds
organized by Stella Nair (UCLA) and Paul Niell (Florida State University) The 2022-2023 core conference program of the Center for 17th– & 18th-Century Studies at UCLA’s Clark Library (2022–2023) convenes scholars around the topics of “Ecology,” “Ephemeral Architecture,” and “Imperialism” between the peoples and...