CFP Transatlantic Studies Association Conference

Transatlantic Studies Association
21st Annual Conference
University of Plymouth, UK
3-5 July 2023


Call for Papers

Submissions are invited for the 2023 Annual Conference


Professor David Haglund (Queen’s University)

“What is So ‘Special’ About the Franco-American Relationship? The View from Lake Wobegon”


Professor Faye Hammill (University of Glasgow)

Ocean Modern: Poetics and Geometries of the Transatlantic Liner


A Roundtable discussion on:

Transatlantic Memorialisation and Heritage


An Early Career Workshop on:

Impact and Engagement

The TSA is a broad network of scholars who use the ‘transatlantic’ as a frame of reference for their work in a variety of disciplines, including (but not limited to): history, politics and international relations, and literary studies. All transatlantic-themed paper and panel proposals from these and related disciplines are welcome. 

The conference is organised around a number of subject themes, each of which is convened by members of the conference programme committee. If you would like to discuss your paper or panel proposal prior to submission, please contact the relevant programme committee members. This year’s subject themes are:  

Diplomatic and international history
David Ryan,, James Cooper,

Political and intellectual history
Joe Renouard,, Chris Jespersen,

Social, cultural and religious history
Finn Pollard,, Kristin Cook,

International Relations and Security Studies
Michele Testoni,, Luca Ratti,   

Literature, film, and theatre
Finn Pollard,, Samantha Harvey,, Mandy Bloomfield,

Transatlantic memory and heritage
Kristin Cook,, Kathryn Gray,

Latin America in a transatlantic context
Robert Howes,, Jared Pack,

Transatlanticism and Indigenous Studies
Steve Minton,, David Stirrup,

Special subject theme: Revisiting the Black Atlantic

The TSA, in association with the University of Plymouth, welcomes proposals for fully-formed panels as well as individual papers that reconsider Paul Gilroy’s Black Atlantic on the 30th anniversary of its publication. Papers and panels are encouraged to analyse the influence of Gilroy’s seminal text from a variety of perspectives, including its critical reception, contemporary developments in race relations, the ongoing evolution of double-consciousness, and modern diasporic narratives. 

Please send all final submissions to the conference email address below.

For informal enquiries, please contact the special theme convenors:

Simon Topping,

Whitney Womack Smith,

Other formats

In addition to the subject themes above, we welcome papers and panels on any aspect of transatlantic studies. Interdisciplinary papers and panels are particularly welcome, as are innovative formats, such as roundtables, workshops or multimedia presentations. 

Conference Format 

The TSA 2023 annual conference will be held primarily in-person. We will, however, reserve a limited number of slots for online panels. These panels must be wholly online (i.e. all presenters and the chair will participate online). If you wish your panel to be delivered wholly online, please explain briefly when making your submission why this needs to be the case and/or why the panel would benefit from this format of delivery. Individual paper submissions are unlikely to be accepted for online delivery. 

Submission Instructions

Panel proposals should constitute three or four presenters and a Chair (as well as a discussant if desired). Panel proposals should be sent by email as one document attachment to, and include:

  • 300-word overview of the panel theme;
  • 300-word abstracts for each of the papers;
  • 100-word author biographies;
  • 2-page CVs for all participants.

The subject line of the email for panel proposals should read: ‘TSA Proposal-[Last name of panel convenor]-[Subject theme]’ (state ‘Other’ if not falling under listed themes) (E.g. ‘TSA Proposal-Smith-Diplomacy and International History’).

Individual paper proposals should be sent by email as one document attachment, and include:

  • 300-word abstract for the paper
  • 100-word author biography;
  • 2-page CV.

The subject line of the email for paper proposals should read: ‘TSA Proposal-[Last name of presenter]-[Subject theme]’ (state ‘Other’ if not falling under listed themes) (E.g. ‘TSA Proposal-Smith-Other).

Please note: all submissions must come to the conference email address to be considered by the programme committee.

Travel Grants

The TSA particularly welcomes proposals from new members and junior scholars. Travel grants of £150 each are available to support early career scholars (MA, PhD and post-doctoral researchers) presenting a paper at the conference. 

If wishing to apply for a travel grant, applicants should indicate this in the body of the email when submitting their paper or panel. In addition to the materials requested above, travel grant applicants should include a brief statement explaining why it is important for them to attend the TSA conference. For further details about TSA travel grants, see the TSA website:  

Deadline for panel and paper proposals: 15 February 2023
All paper and panel proposals, and travel grant applications, should be sent to the conference email:

Contact Info: 

Chair of TSA: Thomas Mills:

Vice-Chair of TSA: Kristin Cook:

Local Organiser: Kathryn Gray

Contact Email:


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