
CFP: Fort Ticonderoga Seminar on the American Revolution

September 22-24, 2023 Fort Ticonderoga seeks proposals for the Nineteenth Annual Seminar on the American Revolution to be held Friday-Sunday, September 22-24, 2023.  The past couple of years appear to have widened political and cultural fissures in the United States....

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Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs

État des savoirs, enjeux et perspectives de la recherche sur la Jeune Amérique, 1607-1865 29 et 30 septembre 2022 Cité internationale universitaire de Paris Avec le soutien du Réseau pour le Développement Européen de l’Histoire de la Jeune Amérique (RéDEHJA)...

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Call for Papers: Edinburgh Centre for Global History Graduate Workshop

“New Kids on the Block”: Novel Perspectives in Emerging Global History Research  Despite its deep roots in previous historiographical movements and its success in the academic arena for three decades, Global History is still riding the wave of its reputation...

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Atlantic Studies: Global Currents – Charting the Future. A Symposium
March 23-25, 2023
St. Louis University-Madrid Campus (Spain)

On the eve of the journal’s 20th anniversary in 2024, the Editors of Atlantic Studies: Global Currents, together with St. Louis University-Madrid, will convene a Symposium that aims to chart future directions for research on circumatlantic studies that engage the global...

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L’histoire au prisme des archives rochelaises et atlantiques

Journée d'étude, La Rochelle, 30 mai 2022 Full programme downloadable below La-Rochelle-Archives-1Download

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CFP British Group of Early American Historians’ Conference

Cardiff University Friday–Saturday, 2–3 September 2022 The British Group of Early American Historians invites submissions for conference papers and panels on early American history for its annual conference taking place at Cardiff University in September 2022. The organisers conceive of...

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CFP: 8th Summer Academy of Atlantic History

Multiplicities of Freedom and Unfreedom in Atlantic Worlds 23-27 August 2023 Hosted by Professor Trevor Burnard Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery, Hull Today, freedom is a much used and abused concept with many different meanings and limitations; be...

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Mapping the Early Modern World, an NEH Summer Institute at the Newberry Library

The Newberry Library’s Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography and Center for Renaissance Studies are pleased to announce Mapping the Early Modern World, a four-week NEH summer institute for higher education faculty from July 18 through August 12, 2022.Smith Center...

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CFP Bucerius Young Scholars Forum

UC Berkeley, October 10-13, 2022 The Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington DC (GHI PRO) invites proposals for papers to be presented at the sixth Bucerius Young Scholars Forum, which will be held at UC Berkeley, October...

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2022 Beveridge Fellowships

The Friends of Fairsted are pleased to announce that they are now accepting applications for the Charles E. Beveridge Research Fellowship. You can find more information here on the 2022 Fellowship Call for Entries, including directions on how to apply and the online...

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